1. Let me be as clear and as forthright as I can. The definition of “crook” in the Oxford English dictionary, is as follows, a person who is dishonest or a criminal.

2. Well that makes Gregory Stirling the very definition of a crook.

3. Stirling for the longest time, has been involved in the cover up, and continues to be involved in covering up, the very very substantial thefts of soccer membership monies, as well as covering up frauds, attempted frauds, gross mismanagement’s of funds, dereliction of duties, and many other corrupt and criminal acts that have been committed within and under the Calgary Soccer Federation (the CSF) umbrella.

4. Stirling is guilty of conspiracy, criminal breach of trust, obstruction of justice and other acts punishable under the Criminal Code of Canada. He has done all of this whilst being counsel for the CSF and Terry Brooker, and the CSA and the ASA and others.

5. I have a blog on the internet under the title This site is still available to be viewed (see link at bottom of this page). I added to that blog with a better website in 2008 has stayed up throughout, it is still a very good read with many, many, facts and truths and rotten apples named.

6. I stopped that blog on or about the 27th May 2007, as I’d been promised by Colin Linford the then President of the Canadian Soccer Association, as well as Executive members Victor Montagliani, Mike Traficante and Vincent Ursini, that they were going to fully investigate the Calgary Soccer Federation and other entities, and hold all those responsible for any wrongdoings, accountable. Silly me I believed them.

7. I promise you this, what will be exposed on this website and others, will show how these individuals actions, separately and also collectively, contributed to the extreme damage done to Soccer in Canada.

8. Once again, all of the individuals named on this website, and other websites authored by me, are well aware of what’s being published. They’ve been challenged many times to prove what’s being published is not true, and many times they’ve neglected to do so, refused to do so, or outright lied.

9. Make no mistake, Gregory Stirling knowingly undertook to obstruct justice on behalf of his clients. What will be published will be the truth, and will come from materials from within documents, Board of Directors meetings, Stirlings own words and his interaction with the media, the police, Law enforcement agencies, Canada Service Corrections, his own words taken from transcripts from the Court of Queens Bench Calgary, and much more.

10. Gregory Stirling has since at least 2002, knowingly covered up corrupt and criminal acts committed by his clients and others. Those clients include but are not limited to, the Calgary Soccer Federation and its member organization, the Alberta Soccer Association and the Canadian Soccer Association, and other individuals associated with them and others.

11. The facts that will be published on this and my other websites will be able to stand up to any scrutiny, in any Civil court or Criminal court of Law. Greg Stirling will not be able to get the courts to remove what is published. In order to take any court actions he will have to file an Affidavit and swear under oath that the contents of his Affidavit(s) are true. That would result in Stirling being open to charges of perjury and other offences.

12. Not only does Stirling and the others who are named, know that what’s already published, and what’s to be published is the truth. So do the heads of the Calgary Police Service, the RCMP in Alberta and Ottawa, and other law enforcement agencies. I would personally like to express my thanks to Calgary Police Chief Roger Chaffin (and others to be named later) who have assisted me greatly by being responsible for providing crucial information and evidence that would not normally have become available to me.

13. If you want copies of the previous websites that were a casualty of Ex Chief Rick Hanson then please e-mail me at and provide me with a contact name and number.

This website is a work in progress:

I can be reached at see website links below: